Learn a new language, upgrade your skills or explore a new hobby; we offer many learning resources to get you started.
Mango Languages
An online language learning system that teaches practical conversation skills for a variety of popular languages. Little Pim is available for younger language learners.
LinkedIn Learning
Over 3,500 video tutorial courses led by experts on web design, software development, photography, business skills, home and small office, project management, 3D animation, graphic design audio, music, video editing and more. Requires the creation of a personal account which will allow you to track your progress through your tutorials.
Lynda.com has become LinkedIn Learning. All the courses and training offerings remain the same. Simply sign in with your library card and PIN and continue using this database.
Signing Savvy
Signing Savvy is a sign language dictionary containing several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, finger-spelled words and other common signs used within Canada and the United States.
Online tutoring available everyday between 2-11pm. Get help in math, science, reading/writing and social studies. Brainfuse offers a 24-hour Writing Lab where you submit essays and get constructive feedback. Resume and cover letter writing help as well as Canadian citizenship prep. Assistance in standardized tests such as GED and SAT.
Learn a new skill. Get new crafting ideas. Topics include knitting, crochet, drawing and more. Creativebug includes content for all ages and skill levels.