Earl Campbell - Lovelife

During the Great War over 600,000 men joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force and were sent overseas to fight. A number of the soldiers were housed in military training camps in England or spent time in British hospitals or travelled to the British Isle on their leaves. Many of these soldiers, including Earl fell in love with the women they met. Earl sent letters home to his family informing them of his intention to marry. "By war's end Canadian soldiers were marrying British and European women at the rate of 300 a week, over 1000 per month." Canadian War Brides of the First World War.

War time marriages were a common occurrence and in his December 19, 1916, p.1 Earl mentions to Pauline about Leslie Sturdy marrying.

"Yes Leslie married Pat, I bet his folks don't like it. I had a letter from Clara she says Mrs. Sturdy feels very bad about him doing so. When I get married to Mrs. Kaiser I won't let you know at home. But that will not be until we get into Berlin."

Quotes and Letters